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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Queen Victoria was known for putting jackets and dresses on her pups, causing clothing for dogs to become so popular that fashion houses for just dog clothes started popping up all over Paris. — Fox
It would be easy to assume that Evangeline came to the Lady Morgana only to pick fights. That wasn't true at all. They also had very good biscuits.
Check Your Privilege

Pumpkins scream in the dead of night
October 31, 1893; sometime after midnight — The Maze; Haunted Greenhouse Party; Sprouts' Magical Evergardens, London
The premise of this event had been novel with its late hours. Another novel thing had been how arrivals were done. All in all, he had been quite entertained. That wasn't usually the case when it came to these society things, not that anyone would even know he thought such things. He was always quite careful with how he presented himself around other people.

At some point in the night, he had headed to Level Two. The maze was quaint, he supposed. He could hear the laughter and voices of other participants trying to find their way. Now and then there was a shriek followed by a laugh and chastising. Likely ladies being pranked by their beaus. He continued walking along, having yet to run into anyone himself.

— set by lady! —
Twinkle twinkle you can't hide
I'm the devil in disguise

Tig was both subdued and angry. Subdued because this was the first big event she'd attended where there could be no hope of terrorizing Ellory, and angry because she was still thinking about her. But how could Ellory be dead? How was it fair that a random act of dragons could take her out before Tig could mastermind a way to?! What sort of nonsense was that? An ugly flying lizard breathed her out of existence just like that. What gave it the right? Childbirth would've been a better death for her, that was at least foreseeable and would've been amusing. Dragons were just... Random bad luck. How dare Ellory let herself get killed like that. It was the last, final insult and Tig couldn't retaliate. She'd gotten the last word in, the bitch!

Tig wandered the garden with limited awareness of where she was actually going. When a statue started to talk to her she'd snapped at it and then realized it was a statue and not a person. Then she'd shot it a nasty look and stomped off. She turned a corner and found herself face to face with... another cousin. Merlin's beard! A whole herd of dragons could pillage Tiberius' family and there'd somehow still be too many of them. Now that she'd locked eyes though, she was obliged to acknowledge him. She could be rude, she obviously had no problem with rudeness but this cousin was one she didn't know well at all (thank Merlin it wasn't Kristoffer) and as long as his family was going to be plentiful she may as well try to start off on a good note if there wasn't a good reason not to.

Macnair, isn't it? She was sure that much was right although she couldn't for the life of her remember which bloody herb this one was.

Outfit | Tag: Sage Macnair | Notes:

Sage had not been expecting to run into a family member of all people. Though with his cousin Tiberius being ten years older than him, he had never had much cause for interaction. He did admire his cousin though and did not have any personal beef with the mans wife (if anything, the things he had heard of her antics could best be described as entertaining). So he saw no reason to be anything other than amenable.

"Sage Macnair," he confirmed for her with a smile. "Are you finding the maze to be of enjoyment?" From the look of her when she had rounded the corner, he sincerely doubted it.

— set by lady! —
Twinkle twinkle you can't hide
I'm the devil in disguise

The first name made little difference to Tig's knowledge of this particular Macnair, but judging from the look of him he was a young one.

It's diverting, I suppose. Her tone was mostly neutral with a slight edge to it that suggested she might be more than a little underwhelmed. Truthfully, she thought it was an okay event, but it was tainted by her intrusive Ellory thoughts.

But then I haven't tried getting out of it yet. Hopefully it would prove to be a difficult one to escape and she could pass the rest of her evening half-assedly wandering it until she eventually found the exit. For some reason that appealed to her right now. Have you?

Outfit | Tag: Sage Macnair | Notes:

Diverting was one word for it, he supposed. He personally found it charming. Though perhaps that had more to do with the excuse to not have to overly socialize as one might have to do in a crowded ballroom.

"Not yet in earnest. It is amusing the type of things people get up to in a maze." As if on cue, a womans giggles could be heard on the other side of the hedge.

— set by lady! —
Twinkle twinkle you can't hide
I'm the devil in disguise

Tig's face contorted into a look of disgust before she could stop it, although she probably would still have grimaced if she'd had time to consider it. Do you think so? Whether the idea of other people engaging in public indecency disgusted her, or simply that of other people having a good time within her hearing, remains at present a mystery. That's a lie, it's definitely both. Her grimace had by now vanished to make way for a mild case of resting bitch face.

Outfit | Tag: Sage Macnair | Notes:

"It simply amuses me how people seem to feel at ease to act like idiots," Sage admitted, wondering what her reaction would be to that. Her look of disgust had been moderately amusing.

— set by lady! —
Twinkle twinkle you can't hide
I'm the devil in disguise

I've never found mazes to be a prerequisite for that. Although it was true that people were typically more brazen in situations - such as a well-construted maze - than they might otherwise be. She could hardly agree with him though, not when it was likely he'd feel smug about it. She didn't know him but he just seemed the type to be smug.

Outfit | Tag: Sage Macnair | Notes:

"They tend to hide it more where they can be seen," Sage pointed out. She was being a bit boring now (had her fire that had her stabbing people with spoons or whatever it had been died with Ellory?) so he figured he would go in search of something more interesting to observe. Or someone more interesting to provoke without actively provoking them.

— set by lady! —
Twinkle twinkle you can't hide
I'm the devil in disguise

Clearly you take a particular interest in such displays. She raised her eyebrows but otherwise schooled her expression into one of neutrality while she awaited his reaction.

Outfit | Tag: Sage Macnair | Notes:

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